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No Set-Up Fee. Pay For Results. Low Fixed Pricing. Launch In 5 Days. All Done-For-You!
No Set-Up Fee. Pay For Results. Low Fixed Pricing. Launch In 5 Days. All Done-For-You!
Without question, lead generation is the LIFEBLOOD of every business. Yet it's also the single biggest reason why businesses fail to grow or grow at the rate the owners want. For decades generating leads and sales appointments has been the thorn in the side of millions of business owners. And it's getting harder, and harder! NOT ANY MORE.
TraffiiX has been created to once and for all solve the 3 BIGGEST lead generation problems that most businesses suffer from. If you're struggling with lead generation and you're facing any of these challenges, then TraffiiX AI can help...
Here's how we solve each of them...
The reason why the quality of leads is poor is because virtually every method used to generate leads is known as 'INTERRUPTION MARKETING'. Placing paid ads on the likes of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and posting on social media platforms is trying to interrupt the user in the hope that we can grab their attention and get them to buy from us.
As a consequence the lead quality is typically LOW.
But what if you could ONLY TARGET people who are right now looking to buy your product or service. These people are 'IN-MARKET' and the special ground-breaking Traffiix technology is able to identify all these people across the USA (or in the areas in the USA you sell to) in real time.
Therefore they are HOT right now... and that's how TraffiiX solves the quality problem.
SCEPTICAL? Simply arrange a FREE TraffiiX AI Meeting with us and we'll tell you how many of your 'perfect customers' we can reach every month and how many leads or sales appointments we can deliver to you!
With paid advertising, SEO and social media you're only getting access to a very small percentage of your target market, many of which are poor quality.
But because the TraffiiX technology identifies ALL the people who are right now looking to buy your product or service, we can provide close to 100% of them, not just a small fraction. And of course, this is happening EVERY day. So our breakthrough technology actually sends as many 'In-Market' Leads and Booked Sales Appointments as you and your team can handle each day.
SCEPTICAL? Simply arrange a FREE TraffiiX AI Meeting with us and we'll tell you how many of your 'perfect customers' we can reach every month and how many leads or sales appointments we can deliver to you!
Our mission is to ensure lead generation is never again a problem for business owners in the USA. Delivering high quality, ready-to-buy, 'In-Market' Leads is part 1 of the puzzle. Delivering a constant influx of these leads on a daily basis is part 2 of the puzzle. Both are redundant if part 3 of the puzzle means the leads cost you an arm and a leg!
In fact, you can buy 'In-Market' Leads from as little as $1 each!
We're able to offer this incredible 'Price Promise' because of how we've created the software. It enables us to capture the 'In-Market Leads' at an incredibly low price and we simply pass on these savings to you to ensure we deliver on our mission.
SCEPTICAL? Simply arrange a FREE TraffiiX AI Meeting with us and we'll tell you how many of your 'perfect customers' we can reach every month and how many leads or sales appointments we can deliver to you!
With TraffiiX you'll get EXCLUSIVE white hot 'In-Market Leads' every day!
No Set-Up Fee. Pay For Results. Low Fixed Pricing. Launch In 5 Days. All Done-For-You!
Our advanced AI and machine learning technology (along with your help) identifies the perfect keyword search terms your dream clients, customers or patients are typing into Google, Yahoo! and Bing. We can then 'hone in' and select the most appropriate keywords for you (notice the volume of In-Market Leads the system has already identified in the last 30 days for each keyword)...
No Set-Up Fee. Pay For Results. Low Fixed Pricing. Launch In 5 Days. All Done-For-You!
Your first step is simple and without obligation. Simply use the calendar below to book a FREE TraffiiX AI Meeting with us. Complete your details (including your top 5-10 keyword searches people would use to find your type of product or service) and then we'll take care of the rest.
We'll then use your keywords along with our AI and machine learning technology to identify the primary keyword searches people are typing in right now to find your products or services as well as the VOLUME of In-Market searches our technology can capture for you every month (it's like opening a Christmas present!).
We'll take you through the results when we meet and explain how we can deliver ALL the 'In-Market' Leads or Sales Appointments you and your team can handle for a fraction of the cost of any other strategy you're currently using.
No Set-Up Fee. Pay For Results. Fixed Pricing. Launch In 5 Days. All Done-For-You!, a Lead Machine service. All rights reserved © 2023. 27 Phibsboro Place, Dublin 7, D07 V207, a Lead Machine service. All rights reserved © 2023. 27 Phibsboro Place, Dublin 7, D07 V207